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                                                                                  Aero dynamics from start to advance
It all started with the begining of cars magnifacturing were people were making simple cars that looks as if they have only aded an internal combustion engine to a carridge a (horsless carridges) as they called it in England,
shortly after wards the shape of this carridges was in capable of standing the increase of speed and perfoprmance(The first car by carl benz had a 1/2 horsepower engine) The term hourse power was derived
from the term that came in England when they first saw the car(Horsless Carridge) a carridge moving without hourses.
The speed of the cars increased rapidly and after only 10 years of the 20th century mass production was present and cars where beeing made in great numbers (mass production)and the first car to be mass produced is the oldsmobile of the united states with the curved dash model,
as demand increased with the decrease of prices the idea of the cheap car idea (popular car)was introduced the concept was found by Henry ford father of ford automobiles.

By 1910 the car industry began to take it's shape that we know with today factories making cars in mass production and number of cars and it's performance was increasing
as well.

In 1912 the first attempt to care for a car design or the field of aero dynamics was nearly born, when the Cont Ricoti Costagana of Milano italy build the first Aerodynamic
design in the world as shown here the car had a 60 HP engine and did 87 MPH 139.2 KMH, wich was impressive then, it had a rain drop like shape, and it looked like
an advanced aeroplane Aeroplanes was still in thier early evolution at those days The car was adopted by the Alfa Romeo factory under the name Alfa romeo Aerodynamica 14 60 reffering to a 1.4 60 hp engine .

By the begining of the 1920's the car shape began moderning more and more and taking a much more closed shape as open cars was not a very practical idea especially on rain and
burning sun of the summer. In this era the car began to have much more development to aid it's use at any time,
wind screen wipers were invented to wipe rain drops from the wind screen electrical bulb lights and turning signals were invintions that made driving especially at night more safer.
By the begining of the thirties cars began to take more modernised shapes towards aerodynamics and beuaty as this became one of the most greater demands for customers, this era
whitnesed some very beuatifull classic designs in the next pages we will be covering few of them to explain the continious evolution of the car designing.