Home page History The fifties Classic Icons Car designing explained Photo gallery
In the 30's era cars designs started changing rapidlly and magnifacturers were moving fast in aerodynamic designs.
Take the cadillac v16 aerodynamic coupe of the year 1936 and the chrysler air flow 1935 as examples of American moves in this field
The cars showed an aerodynamic styling trial from the back.
In Italy another fashion was rising up but it was not only for shape the Italian Alfa romeo made some wonderfull classic cars that leftmemories of thier
records of achievments in engine and speed fields
The 8c 2990B and 8c lemans had an 8 cylenders and 12 cylenders inline engines they outputed 180 and 220 HP respictevly the
lemans model won the famous 24 hours lemans race in 1938
a speed record of 200 KMH
Deuring world war 2 there were no car production, production was all directed to military cars and trucks only.